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2019 the Wrap-up

Hi Friends. It’s been a while, it’s a theme I know.

I’ve spent the last 22 weeks really just soaking up life. In the best way – simply. I’ve been soaking up baby days like NO other. Probably because outside of an oops baby, this is likely our last. I’ve loved every single second. But I do want to talk about this year in general. It was such a blur as I swear pretty much every year in your 30s is.

The start to this year brought wicked morning sickness. Followed by the horrific flu, followed by pregnancy depression. So really the first half felt very muddled. I do remember telling myself to enjoy the pregnancy but that is just generally hard for me and because this was my 3rd time, I accepted it.

I won’t lie winter 2019 was not our best season but we trucked through it. Thank you to friends like Katie and Timmy who sent literal help – pizza and ice cream and people at work who just made it wonderful to be there. Spring was ok, but we did visit the Atlanta aquarium with my sister and mom – because my sister spoils the shit out of my kids. Spring also had soccer. We LOVE soccer in our home and Dad was coach so that was fun.

Summer was wonderful. Hanging with he guys the guys hanging in the pool and with family. Celebrating Evan turning 7!

I crushed it at work, tried to crush it at home but came home and slept a lot 🙂 – but as the sun came out for summer, my outlook on life turned too. I was SO. DANG. EXCITED. for this baby:

I won’t lie, and I think it’s totally fine to say. Christopher Andrew is the highlight of 2019. He is the sweetest most wonderful baby I have ever met.

He has fit so perfectly into our lives. Going to every soccer game, picking up his bros from school, being snuggled closely in his scouts and slings. Watching his bros and his besties play.

My time off was so well spent, hanging with my dudes plus Hannah and her dudes and my bestie Ava:

Hanging with my family who is my everything. My momma, my sister, my dreamy husband. I feel so lucky and blessed even with my sick main men at home this week. I basically have had about 22 weeks of maternity leave. It’s been the most magical time and I’m so happy. It’s really set me up to have the best 2020.

Oh and good old MAV turned F-I-V-E

Light and love my sweets. Sending so much love. May your days be as merry and bright as the moments caught in some of these photographs:

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